Academics for Development
Academics for Development (AFD) is een non-profitorganisatie die tot doel heeft studenten te betrekken en te empoweren bij projecten voor duurzaam sociaal ondernemerschap, waarbij academische vaardigheden en sociale verantwoordelijkheid worden bevorderd.
Green Guide
Lancering van de Green Guide, jouw online gids voor een toekomstbestendige levensstijl. Van eco-vriendelijke restaurants en kledingwinkels tot groen transport, recyclagetips en meer. Ontdek een klimaatvriendelijk, plantaardig, zero waste, en circulair Gent. De Green Guide App is een co-creatief project van Arteveldehogeschool, HOGENT, LUCA school of Arts, Universiteit Gent, Visit Gent, KULeuven – Gent en […]
Fair Fashion Fest
The iconic fair fashion festival is back! Prepare for a three-day packed with activities, with workshops, fashion shows, expos, music, challenges, demonstrations, etc. The Fair Fashion Fest is an initiative of Ghent Fair Trade, City of Ghent, Oxfam Wereldwinkels Gent-Centrum, Schone Kleren Campagne, Weekend Knack , Industrial Museum Ghent and De Centrale, in collaboration with a whole series of partners.
ProVeg vzw
EVA makes it easy to eat more plant-based. For your health, for the environment, for the animals and for your fellow man.
Let’s save food
Saving food: socially and ecologically. We collect and distribute food surpluses.
Vinted on Campus
Find the second-hand clothing of your dreams at Vinted On Campus or sell your own clothes.
Cat cafe with vegan drinks and snacks. Good for cats and humans.
Lekker GEC
A vegetable organic buffet, extensive take away offer and a large sunny terrace.
Rabot op je bord
During our weekly cooking workshops, vegetable and fruit surpluses from supermarkets that are still in perfect order are transformed into tasty dishes by local residents.
Komaf Koffie
Komaf Koffie serves coffee with or without milk or sugar, but always with a chat and a smile.