Stad Gent (Repair Café)

Sustainable city | Non-profit | Social sustainability | Zero waste

Do you have a laptop, tablet, notebook or smartphone that you no longer need? You can make a Ghentian happy with it.

More than 1,300 inhabitants of Ghent received a refurbished digital device such as a laptop, smartphone, tablet or notebook. Something the recipients can't afford to afford otherwise. This way they can now also participate in online life: to apply for a job, to register their children for a sports camp, etc.

Thanks to the IT repairers of Repair Café Gent and of course to the many residents of Ghent who took their unused or defective digital device to a collection point or cabinet. Do you have an unused device (with charger) lying around somewhere? Read on to learn how you can make a resident of Ghent happy too!

Dienst Ontmoeten en Verbinden
Woodrow Wilsonplein 5,
9000 Ghent
+32 9 266 55 50

Stad Gent (Repair Café)